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Stop Kitchen Fires.

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Protect your properties from fire and water damage

Why FireAvert?

Learn About FireAvert, the Leader In Kitchen Fire Prevention

Introducing FireAvert PRO!

With next level safety features.

Features of FireAvert PRO

Usage Notifications

You'll receive text alerts if your stove or oven turns on unexpectedly, helping you maintain a safer home environment by reducing the risk of unattended cooking, especially in households with children or individuals with cognitive impairments.

Smoke and Fire Alerts

FireAvert PRO sends immediate alerts to your phone when smoke or fire is detected in your home, even when you're away or distracted, allowing you to take swift action and prevent potential fire hazards.

Remote Appliance Reset After FireAvert PRO cuts power to your stove/ oven when a hazard is detected. You can easily reset the appliance from your phone, conveniently resuming cooking without manual intervention.


Cheryll Leopold

Home Owner


“You should use FireAvert because it’s a little guardian angel and it’s tucked away in the corner, you don’t even know you have it but it’s there in case you need it. It’s fabulous, because it doesn’t ever go bad. Just plug it in and it's ready to go."

Nick Victorio

Presidio at Rancho Del Oro


"You should use FireAvert because it will save you operational expenses, as well provide secure living conditions for the residents. We installed FireAverts about two years ago in the entire two hundred and sixty-four apartments. We’ve actually prevented two fires on the property. Before FireAvert got here, we had an apartment fire and it was the whole unit, it was about $40,000.00 to redo everything in the unit."

Vicky Mendoza



"It is very easy to install, from what my maintenance staff has told me. It’s also easy to reset in case it is set off. I do recommend it."

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