Home Safety Checklist

Home Safety Checklist

For most people, New Year’s Resolutions mainly revolve around activities and goals that have to do with self-improvement. Whether it’s eating healthier, getting more sleep, pursuing a new skill, or recommitting to exercise, the goals we make tend to revolve around becoming better people, inside and out. Here at FireAvert, our team’s made some of these goals for 2019 too—including limiting time spent on social media, losing weight, and getting really, really good at pull-ups.

While we wholeheartedly support and encourage you in your quest to escape the perils of junk food and dig up your running shoes from the dark corner where they’ve been hiding, we think there is another kind of resolution you should make in 2019 that won’t only benefit you, but everyone in your household this year: checking on the safety of your home. And even though it’s now February, it’s not too late to start.

Since it’s not unusual to not know where to start beyond checking the batteries in fire alarms,


is a great, comprehensive checklist put together by the U.S. Fire Administration that details many aspects of home safety—especially in relation to fire prevention—that you might not have considered, including

Cooking Safety


Electrical & Appliance Safety


Candle Safety


Heating Safety

, and creating a

Home Escape Plan


Here are some of the tips from the checklist we found to be especially good reminders for us:

  1. Chimney and furnace are cleaned and inspected yearly.
  2. Clothes dryer lint filter and venting system are clean.
  3. Smoke alarms are tested and cleaned monthly.
  4. Cooking area is free from items that can catch fire.
  5. Heaters are approved by a national testing laboratory and have tip-over shut-off function.
We hope that you’ll take the time this year to invest in the safety of your home, and if you manage apartment complexes, that you’ll share this checklist with your residents as well. Whether it’s at the beginning of a new year or in the middle of July, being mindful of home safety is always a good idea. But sooner is always better when it comes to making a few simple changes that could save a life, and save your home from unnecessary damage and ruin the process.
Here’s to a healthy and safe 2019!

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