Protect Your Properties From Fire and Water Damage
At FireAvert, we are committed to the safety and security of your properties. With hundreds of thousands of devices installed in apartments and rental properties nationwide each year, we have the expertise to guarantee your satisfaction every step of the way.
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Can I receive a discount on my insurance for installing the FireAvert products?
This depends on your policy holder. You will need to contact your personal insurance company for further detail.
Is FireAvert UL and CSA approved?
Yes, through ETL testing, FireAvert conforms to UL STD 498A and is certified to CSA STD C22.2 #42.z
What does the FireAvert's Auto Stove Shutoff do?
FireAvert's Auto Stove Shutoff protects your home from stove fires day and night! The best way to prevent or stop a stove fire is by simply turning off the stove before there is any fire, and that is exactly what FireAvert's Auto Stove Shutoff does. FireAvert's Auto Stove Shutoff intelligently turns off the stove before there is any fire. The Auto Stove Shutoff is continually monitoring for the sound of your smoke alarm. When your smoke alarm sounds from food left on the stove, FireAvert's Auto Stove Shutoff will turn off the stove before there is any fire. This concept has been tested and proven by professionals around the country for being the best way to prevent or stop a stove fire.
Will FireAvert's Auto Stove Shutoff cause my stove to stick out?
No, FireAvert's Auto Stove Shutoff fits in the void space behind most stoves. If your outlet is in an awkward position then you can order a pigtail from us. The pigtail acts as an extension cord and will allow you to maneuver the FireAvert as needed to fit in the void space.